$19.00 USD

Training Needs Analysis - Self Guided

Challenge your skills as a Small Business Entrepreneur and Develop Strategies to Grow!

Gain insights into the key areas of your business where you excel and where you may need to focus on improvement.

What you'll get:

  1. Entrepreneur Mindset Quiz (free)
  2. Financial Fitness Quiz (free)
  3. Time Management Quiz (free)
  4. Parentrepreneur Personality Quiz (free)
  5. Capstone: Entrepreneurial Journey Quiz (free)
  6. Training Needs Analysis Step-by-Step Workbook - 20 page

The quizzes serve as a starting point for identifying strengths and weaknesses and can be used when developing strategies for growth and success in your business.

The 20 page Step-by-Step Workbook brings it all together and provides guidance on interpreting the quiz results. This can then feed in to your strategies for personal and business growth.

Results will vary from one participant to another, reflect a point in time and will change as you grow as an entrepreneur.